Joyner and Associates LLC
Provides Family Education & Training Services for those concerned about a loved one's addictive use of alcohol or other drug, recovery coaching and educational group training.
Concerned about a loved one's use of alcohol or other drugs?
You are not alone.
Joyner and Associates PO Box 181310, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
Interested in learning more about our services?
Call us at 216-780-3883
About 1 out of 10 people who use alcohol and as many as 6 out of 10 who use other drugs, develop addiction
There are NO racial, economic, intellectual or geographic boundaries to addiction however genetics represent a substantial risk factor.
The RIPPLE EFFECT of one's addictive behavior disrupts not only their life but also the lives of others.
The STIGMA associated with addiction prevents many family members and other individuals from identifying the problem and seeking appropriate help.
For MOST people, understanding the realities of what addiction is, and making healthy choices for themselves is difficult.