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Joyner and Associates LLC
Call us at (216)780-3883
Provides Family Education & Training Services for those concerned about a loved one's addictive use of alcohol or other drug, recovery coaching and educational group training.
Consider this......You are not alone!
As a family member or friend of someone who is experiencing problems due to their harmful or addictive use of alcohol or other drugs, it is important to understand that their behaviors can have a profound effect on your emotional, financial, spiritual and physical well being.

1. Do you feel the need to make excuses for their alcohol or other drug using behaviors?

2. Do you sometimes lie to cover for them due to their alcohol or other drug use related behaviors?

3. Do you avoid talking to them about their alcohol or other drug use for fear of their negative response?

4. Have you given them opportunities to correct their using behaviors with little or no change on their part?

5. Do you feel responsible in part for their alcohol or other drug use and related problems?

6. Have you ever felt that if you changed yourself or manipulated the environment that you could stop or control their using?

7. Do you sometimes lay awake at night worrying about them due to their alcohol or other drug use and related behaviors?

8. Are you finding it harder to trust them?

9. Do you find yourself needing to "keep an eye" on them in an attempt to protect them, yourself or your property?

10. Are you spending time worrying about their use, trying to prevent their use, or trying to fix the consequences of their using behaviors?

Concerned Others Check List
Joyner and Associates LLC ® P.O. Box 181310, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118

Answering YES to one or more of these questions suggests that your loved one may be experiencing problems in his or her life due to their alcohol or other drug use.